About Sustainable Family Wellness


I am a Clinical Nutritionist with a Functional Medicine spin who is all in to support you.

I am here to help you show up better in the world and to get the most out of life’s special moments. I don’t want you to be too tired, too anxious, too grumpy, too sick or too meh! I want you to have vitality every day and I will help guide you there with healthy foods, moving your body, a positive mindset, and some targeted nutrition protocols. Let’s turn your lights back on!

Just to give you an idea of what my health used to look like, my first essay in college was called “Leaving a trail of Kleenex’s”. Although I totally got an A, it is pretty pathetic! I spent my childhood into my 20s being the wheezy, snotty, rashy, fuzzy-brained, inflamed and quite honestly, pretty miserable human! It didn’t end there, as I got older I got even more sick with chronic infections, weight gain, and I was dependent on a slew of medications. Who wants to be in their 20s on a bunch of prescriptions!! I certainly was not shining my best in the world!

When medicine failed me, I started to look for answers elsewhere. I became obsessed with nutrition.

I got my Masters in Human Nutrition and Function Medicine, I got my Health Coaching Certificate, and I have a decade of experience in the Supplement + Functional Medicine industry.

Surprisingly, it turns out, that getting control of your health and struggles is not as complicated as you would think! Just feed the body well and the body, in its supreme intelligence, gets the job done! I am beyond grateful to have learned about how to take ownership of my health! I am no longer dependent on prescription, my muscles are strong, no more nasty chronic infections, my brain is clear, and no more aches and pains! Thank goodness because I need the stamina to take care of my little humans and to show up as the best momma I can be!

I can’t wait to help you understand that there is another way. You don’t have to feel awful, grumpy, moody, achy and ick all the time. You don’t have to get old too young! Let’s get you and your family healthy now, so you can have the strength and vitality you need into old age!

You must nourish yourself if you want to nurture the world

What Brings Me Sunshine Lately


never without


can’t stop listening to


want to do better


always have in my bag

Kind Words From Kind People

Kind Words From Kind People —

How It Works


Let’s schedule a free discovery call so we can get to know each other and I can tell you which one of my services will benefit you the most.


Let’s put the final touches on your program and finalize payments.

3/ LET’S GO!

Let’s get you scheduled for your first one-on-one!

Are You Ready to Be Healthy + Happy + Energized? Let’s Go!

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